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Rivals of the Oni-Baku

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Ashura Sakaki


A late transfer to the Oni-Baku\'92s high school Tsujido High, Sakaki is originally from \ Hokkaido. As the son of a former professional boxer, like his father he has an ability to take a tremendous amount of physical damage, \ which makes him a frustrating opponent in a fight. However, when confronted by Onizuka his place is obvious: he\'92s not even worthy of being \ in the KT Corps.

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Junji Kashiya


The leader of Kanagawa Prefecture\'92s largest biker gang, the Blue Rose, Kashiya is \ also in line to become a high-ranking yakuza. Junji was also at one point the fourth head of a gang called the Skanda, but after a major \ gang clash against the Oni-Baku the Skanda was left fractured. Kashiya generally participates from afar, rarely ever facing combat. He also \ loves his bikes and is known to own a Kawasaki Ninja ZX11.

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Kunita Nakajo


Nakajo is another member of the Midnight Angels. Previously in command of the Angels\'92 \ Enoshima battalion, Nakajo is a strange ally of the Oni-Baku\'92s. It is well known that there is a long established rivalry between the \ student bodies of Tsujido and Enoshima Commercial High Schools. But while Nakajo has collided with the Oni-Baku on a few occasions, his\ sense of honor has come in handy on more than a few moments of need.

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Fumiya Shindoji


This long-haired sunglasses-wearing biker is the younger brother of Ayumi Murakoshi\'92s \ former fianc\'e9. And much like his brother, he also has deep feelings for the young teacher. A rare person capable of taking on Onizuka, \ Fumiya was later defeated by Danma and eventually was sent to juvenile hall. Fumiya rides a Yamaha V-MAX.

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Junya Akutsu


The second leader of the Midnight Angels, Akutsu was the person directly behind the \ second War of Shonan. Widely despised across Kanagawa, during his reign Akutsu and his gang were involved with many heinous acts which \ crossed the boundaries of simple rowdiness into the world of violent crime. A broken man since he was defeated by Onizuka multiple times, \ Akutsu now lurks in the background cautiously observing many of the moves taken by the Oni-Baku while associating with gang and yakuza \ players. At one point he had Ryuji\'92s girlfriend Nagisa under his thumb. He generally rides a Kawasaki Z750FX.

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